to the Ladies!
Reducing Program
Virginia Walker, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., reduced from 195 to 160 pounds in a sensible reducing plan. At left is a snapshot before she started, and the large picture below shows the results. She is still slimming down, but has already shed 35 ugly pounds.
by Vera Christensen
ITH MANY previous articles on specialization, I would like this month to outline a good all-round reducing routine for those who are carrying too much excess weight on every part of their body.
The accompanying pictures of Virginia Walker show what can be done to this end. Virginia started with us eight months ago at a bodyweight of 195 lbs. and is now down to a much improved and firmer 160 lbs. at her height of 5'8". To her this is just a beginning and her goal is to lose even more, especially in the hips and thighs. Working as a dental technician for five years Virginia had formerly experienced back trouble and tension but has had relief from this through her regular training sessions.
Following are Virginia's before and after measurements for this eight month period and a schedule of her exercises:
Weight Bust
Along with this loss in measurements and weight Virginia gained much in improved body contour and dropped from a size 2012 dress to a 16 with her training going well towards further figure improvement. With her exercise program Virginia did not follow any starvation type diet but simply dropped heavy starch and flour products from her meals. Actually most people do not have a sensible long range program in mind for their reducing needs but want to try and do it all in "one day" which is very hard on their health, besides never giving a firmtoned look to their bodies.
An exercise program designed for all over weight reduction should include plenty of repititions, working up to at least three sets of each movement. Virginia does all eight exercises shown, using around 30 repetitions while performing three sets. Remember to be patient when beginning, and don't do any exercise over ten repetitions and one set, then gradually add counts until the desired number is reached.
1. Our first exercise is high repetition squats using no weight at all. Do these fairly rapidly with regular breathing, inhaling going down and exhaling upon arising. Use a board around two inches thick under your heels to insure better balance and allow yourself to get into a low position.
2. Follow each set of squats with some rapid breathing pullovers to trim any excess fat from the chest area. Work up to thirty repetitions here as in all the rest of the exercises in this routine and be sure to get plenty of stretch.
3. Beginning with the abdominal work we start with sit-ups. Do them with your hands reaching for your toes as illustrated and bend your knees as you sit up. Start from a flat position and if you have an adjustable board raise it slightly when 30 repetitions are reached.
4. To get at the flabby excess weight that forms in the upper back, plenty of repetitions using a light weight on a regular lat machine. proved very effective. Breathe in as you pull the bar down and exhale as it goes up, always keeping a fairly rapid tempo.
5. Stiff-legged dead lifts on a box or bench will firm and shape the back of the thighs and hips. Starting off by doing these on the ground will do, then work up to using some height for added stretch. From the position shown take a deep breath and stand up straight, then exhale as you go down.
6. For the lower abdomen, leg raises are still tops and by raising the board as shown, the results will be increased. This photo of Virginia illustrates the half-way position and legs should be kept stiff and brought to a 90 degree angle, then lowered to gently touch the ground and return.
7. The lying leg circle firms and trims the top of the thighs and should be done with all the stretch possible at a fairly rapid rate of speed. The illustration shows no weight but Virginia has worked up to using Health Boots for this exerIcise which you, too, should utilize when in need of more resistance. From the position shown describe a circular motion with your leg, rest and repeat with the other leg.
8. For further firming and shaping of the thighs and hips, lunges with lots of stretch finish up the routine. From the position shown in the photo lunge forward as low as possible then back to upright. Be cautious to begin, then work up to doing 30 repetitions.
Virginia works on a three-day-aweek schedule, but if possible, a day or two extra for all-round reduction in weight will help you in your quest for a firmer, healthier figure.
Pix by Al Christensen
Exercise Program